James J. Prunty does provide the following services in the management and operation of an Association:
  • Administrative Management
  • Membership Maintenance and Expansion
  • Publications Management and Production
  • Public Relations and Publicity
  • Directing Support Staff for Conferences and Meetings
  • Oversee Clerical Services
  • Production Services
  • Financial Services
  • Long Range Planning
I emphasize that all Association services will be provided in close cooperation with the officers and members of the Association.


As executive director, I will work closely with your officers, board of directors, and members to provide efficient, responsive management and direct supervision of all Association activities undertaken on behalf of the Association.

 Within mutually agreed on guidelines:

  • Have final staff responsibility for all Association programs, personnel, and facilities.
  • Delegate specific responsibilities to other staff members, monitor performance, and ensure that Association policy and directives are followed.
  • Attend the Annual Conference and report to the membership on Association programs and progress.
  • Attend all Association Board and Executive Committee meetings and ensure that minutes are provided.
  • Oversee Association financial operations.
  • Coordinate the activities of all staff personnel involved in Association programs and projects, ensuring that schedules are kept and deadlines met.
  • Work with designated Association officials in developing such surveys and statistics programs as the Association can direct.
  • Strengthen liaison with associations and other groups whose interests parallel those of Association.
  • Supervise Association publications, public relations, and communications programs.


I will actively promote the Association, with high priority assigned to expanding the Associations's membership. I propose the following:
    1. Coordinate lists of prospective members.
      a. Correlate lists existing within Association.
      b. Identify additional prospective members.
      c. Conduct a survey of current members on how they see Association strengths and weaknesses. Solicit suggestions for new or revised programs for both present and prospective members.
    2. Program for Expanding the Membership
      a. Enter lists of prospective members on our computer.
      b. Working with the leadership of Association, design, and implement a Membership Expansion Program, using all available resources.
      c. The Association prospective member list will be maintained on our computer.
    3. Program for Retaining Current Members
      a. Aggressively communicate benefits of membership.
      b. Provide services promised.
      c. Respond positively to member needs.
    4. Mailing lists
      a. Apply Association membership mailing lists to a relational system.
      b. Such lists to include membership, officers and board of directors, committees, and others mutually agreed on.


I will supervise the preparation, printing, and distribution the Association publications. I also propose to oversee the planning, preparation, production, and distribution of other Association publication, including:
  • Annual Directory. I will prepare and publish an Annual Directory for distribution at the Annual Conference and by mail to the general membership. I will handle the advertising and supervise production. Our in-house computer will provide accurate on-time records for the Directory. 
  • A new series of technical presentations, with subject matter suggested and developed by Association members.


With 20 plus years of association and meeting management, we are well qualified to provide staff support for Association Annual Conference and other seminars and meetings, however large or small. I will:
  • Work closely with designated officers in selecting Conference and meeting locations and hotels.
  • Assist in making arrangements with the selected hotel for meeting rooms, guest accommodations, menus, social functions, special equipment, and other details.
  • Promote Association conferences and meetings through newsletter articles and special mailings.
  • Work with the conference chairman, officers, and board of directors to outline meeting programs and arrange for speakers, special events, or other activities.
  • Process and distribute minutes of meetings.


I will provide clerical services for the operation of Association headquarters office including:
  • Handle all correspondence efficiently and promptly.
  • Handle all personal and telephone inquiries courteously and efficiently, referring such inquiries to the proper people where necessary.
  • Maintain files, including careful storage and prompt retrieval of information.
  • Type, transcribe, or otherwise prepare for reproduction all materials so designated.


I will make available the necessary personnel, facilities, and equipment to carry out all production and handling assignments mutually agreed on, to include the following:
  • Print Association stationery, envelopes, forms, and other material. 
  • Print the Association newsletter; oversee production of other publications.
  • Reproduce minutes, documents, reports, articles, and other pertinent material, either by offset printing or photocopying.
  • Make all mailings and shipments directed or authorized by Association .
  • Keep stocks of necessary materials on hand and maintain accurate records of same.


I will provide all financial services normal to the operation of an association's headquarters office, including:
  • Compute and process all billings for dues and other amounts.
  • Collect dues and other amounts, keep accurate records of such amounts, and deposit all funds in a bank account.
  • Pay all bills for authorized expenditures.
  • Maintain Association books of account and submit them to a audit annually. The books will be open for inspection by designated representatives.
  • Submit financial statements to designated Association officers at such intervals as may be agreed on.
  • Prepare the annual budget proposal in cooperation with designated officers.
  • Counsel financial bonds for those charged with handling Association funds.
  • Obtain Professional Liability Insurance coverage for officers, directors, and staff.